Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And...The Wait Is (Basically) Over

We recorded a session during a thunderstorm in a dead power blackout, running on bus power and batteries and lighting the studio with kerosene lamps.

We recorded percussion on the campuses of two different music schools 700 miles apart.

We created a wildly original soundscape featuring yodeling chipmunks, whinnying trumpets and what may be the world's first harmonized gargling. (At least, a cursory Google search turned up nothing comparable.)

We survived setbacks, delays, failures, collapsing baffles, and a five-month holding pattern while we waited to get the disc professionally mastered.

Now, as this post is typed, the very first copies of Creation vs Evolution: The West of the Story are rolling off our New York distributor's production lines.

Unexpected computer problems (read: a smashed laptop) have temporarily delayed the new website, but that should be up in the next few days as well.

In the meantime, we'd like to extend a special thanks to the twenty-odd people who lent their voices to the cast and their instruments to the orchestra. Don't buy a CD, you guys. There's something coming to your mailboxes very soon.

We apologize for all the delays. We think the finished product is worth the wait!

Edit: It is, perhaps, apropos that this announcement comes on May 10th, the 142nd anniversary of a certain golden spike driven at Promontory Point, Utah. (No, that's really a total accident.)

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